Owners space

7 articles

I would like my house to be added to your collection. What should I do?

We would be delighted to see your house added to our collection and thank you for your trust. You can contact us directly through the dedicated space on the website by clicking here. You will find al…

Updated by Eliott Cohen Skalli

What guarantees does Le Collectionist provide?

Our goal is to be your trusted third-party in the rental process. We are registered estate agents, a profession governed by the Hoguet Law in order to provide optimal protection to the different part…

Updated by Eliott Cohen Skalli

What is the role of Le Collectionist?

Our goal is to be your trusted intermediary in the rental process and in creating your vacation experience. We hold the status of a real estate agent, a regulated profession under the Hoguet Law, to…

Updated by Eliott Cohen Skalli

Can you assist me in building the pricing for my listing?

You have the freedom to set the price per night for your house. However, our team is experienced in rental markets and can assist you in building the pricing structure for your rental offer. It shoul…

Updated by Eliott Cohen Skalli

What types of contracts will I encounter?

For each new rental, we sign a contract with the client, as well as another contract with you, acting as a trusted intermediary. In order to fulfill this role as an intermediary, we need to initially…

Updated by Eliott Cohen Skalli

How does the security deposit work?

You are free to decide the amount to charge but we will, of course, be happy to advise you if you wish. The security deposit is due 30 days prior arrival. For the protection of both you and the guest…

Updated by Eliott Cohen Skalli

Will Le Collectionist showcase my house on other sites or formats?

We often receive requests from newspapers and magazines wanting to feature our service and houses. However, we will always ask for your authorisation before providing photos of your house and will ne…

Updated by Eliott Cohen Skalli

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